Friday, June 24, 2016

Asus ZenFone 2 Wi-Fi problem and reboot fix Only solution available

Only Solution Available Online
Asus ZenFone 2 Wi-Fi and system automatic reboot fixed.

After using phone for 2-3 weeks it came up with the Wi-Fi problem and automatic reboot when doing  screen lock. After months of experiment finally came up with 2 results.
1. Without root (Temporary method)

Without root
This method is quiet easy but doesn't last 2-3 days or may be less
1. If your Wi-Fi is on and you can't switch it off click on Airplane mode
2. Now click on Wi-Fi to switch it on
3. Switch off airplane mode the Wi-Fi will also get switched off
4. Now reboot your system
Bam it's done
If not repeat the steps 2-3 times
If still doesn't work don't reboot switch off your mobile and put it on charge for a while it will work

Root Method(Permanent Fix)
On testing
Coming Soon...

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